Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office - San Francisco
arrow_back_iose-Hong Kong - Issue 111

Webinar on food trends in Asia

Food and beverage markets stakeholders in the US and HK gathered to discuss the emerging trends in the industry and experts shared insights on the latest innovations in the food sector at the “Food in Asia: What Consumers are Looking For” webinar hosted by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council on May 25.

Plant-based products are gaining popularity worldwide. Its market is expected to reach $95.52 billion by 2029 and Asia is a leading contributor to this growth. For companies in Northern America to tap into this vast, lucrative Asian market, Hong Kong – aside from being a world-renowned food paradise, with its unique geographical location and advantages under “One country, Two Systems” – is the perfect springboard for western companies to reach out to the markets in mainland China and the rest of Asia, said Jacko Tsang, Director of HKETO San Francisco, as she delivered opening remarks. She went on to give an overview of Hong Kong’s business environment and outlined the city’s various edges as a major food market both locally and regionally.

At the webinar, David Yeung, Co-Founder and CEO of Green Monday Group in Hong Kong provided insights on the changing dietary trends as well as the culinary and consumption patterns in Hong Kong and Asia. David Shogren, President of the US International Foods and Jeff Williamson, Director of International Business Development at Ant Group shared analysis on the Hong Kong and Asian food markets and views on the advantages of exporting to and through Hong Kong as compared to other parts of Asia.

Jacko Tsang, Director of HKETO San Francisco (top left), David Yeung, Co-Founder and CEO of Green Monday Group (top right), David Shogren, President of the US International Foods (bottom right) and Jeff Williamson, Director of International Business Development at Ant Group (bottom left) shared insights on the emerging food trends and innovations in Asia on May 25.
Jacko Tsang, Director of HKETO San Francisco (top left), David Yeung, Co-Founder and CEO of Green Monday Group (top right), David Shogren, President of the US International Foods (bottom right) and Jeff Williamson, Director of International Business Development at Ant Group (bottom left) shared insights on the emerging food trends and innovations in Asia on May 25.